Ministry Staff
The ministerial staff is an important part of the ministry. They assist the pastor with carrying out various functions such as communion, visiting and praying for the sick, and other duties as necessary.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors assist the pastor in all business aspects concerning the church.
Front Runners Men’s Ministry
The Front Runners meet once a month to discuss and pray about issues involving men today.
Front Liners Women’s Ministry
The Front Liners meet once a month to encourage and lift up women. This ministry provides opportunity for women to share heart to heart about real issues.
Youth ministries consist of three groups: His Kids, Young Warriors, and Youth of Destiny (ages 3-18).
Our team of teachers are dedicated to assure that everyone’s foundation in Christ is solid, through the teaching of God’s word.
Our prayer team engage themselves in aggressive, war faring prayers without ceasing. They meet regularly on Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. As the Lord leads, they also meet 5:00 a.m., Monday thru Friday.
Praise/Worship Team
Our praise and worship team ushers in the presence of God for each of our worship services. The glory of God is experienced throughout the sanctuary.
Liturgical Dance Teams
Liturgical and prophetic dancers minister before the presence of the Lord.
Sanctuary Servants
The Sanctuary Servants provide support throughout each worship service (commonly known as ushers).
How do I join?
Email us for more details!